Grateful More for Almost Cold Coffee

a poem about forgoing the experience of coffee for its effects



Photo by Mukul Wadhwa on Unsplash

It’s six thirty six A.M.
and if you drink it
to soothe you
out of sleep —

You and I
are not cut from the same coffee cloth
though to be fair, I’m more of a rag
most days

If you pour it down your throat like
your mind is a house on fire
and you’re holding the only hose,

If you need to feel it in your toes,
If you would drink it with no nose.
If it’s the man-made substitution
for brain-made motivation. Your chemical
get up and go.

And if you could
you would
at least entertain
the thought of injecting
it directly in your veins —

well then, my unfortunate fellow
addict and friend,
I have a cup of almost cold coffee with your name.

It works just the same
only better,
only faster
only easier to drain.

An accepted addiction
still an addiction — I’m grateful for.
Just ask my morning brain.




likes / wants / needs to write poetry apparently